About Me: Meet Alex and Enjoy a Good Company

Hey there, buddy! How’s it going?

My name is Alex, and I am the author of this blog. I have dedicated this section to myself. The reason is far from indulging in vanity. Instead, I would rather like to talk about myself so that you get to know me and learn why I have created this web page about art festivals in Arizona.

Who Am I?

First things first, I am 34 years old and a native of Arizona. I grew up in different parts of the state. I traveled quite a lot with my parents, because of my dad’s job. This gave me the chance to get to know my state and discover the beauty of its varied nature and diverse social life.

Music Gets Me Going

One of the most important things to know about me is that I love music. I used to play the trombone and the violin in secondary school.

In my early high school years, I discovered the beauty of playing the guitar. That is how I joined the local teenage guitar band and started having gigs at local school parties. Boy, we were every Arizona high school girl’s dream!

After I graduated from high school, I enrolled in a local college, to major in Music Studies. However, I soon encountered other forms of art that totally got me and I realized there was so much more to do in life than playing music only.

Art Is in My Blood

As I said, college completely changed me. At first, I intended to pursue Music Studies. Soon enough, though, I started hanging out with Fine Arts majors, who took an interest in very diverse art forms and formats.

It did not take me long to enroll in drawing classes. I also undertook writing and graphic design. Toward the end of my second year, I signed up for acting classes too.

Playing the guitar was no longer enough for me. I wanted to do everything and do it at once. I became a scriptwriter and producer for my school’s theater plays and musical performances. I organized art exhibitions and searched for sponsors and patrons. I became the ultimate art person at my college.

My Professional Career in Art

College was a lot of fun, but – sadly – it ended after four years of providing me with the best art student experience. It was time to find a job. Naturally, I followed my heart and started looking for an occupation in the art circles.

Luckily, my vast experience in college had helped me amass a variety of professional connections in the Arizona art ecosystem. Indeed, I also discovered plenty of opportunities beyond the state. However, Arizona has always been my home, and I wanted to stay here.

That is how I got a job in art festival organizing. It has been more than ten years since I began organizing art festivals in Arizona, and I have loved every moment of it. I would not trade my experience for anything in the world.

This blog is my attempt to shout out to the world about all the wonderful things that happen at Arizona art festivals. As you will undoubtedly discover, our state offers some of the best art experiences not only in the US but throughout the entire world. I am here to tell you all about them from the perspective of a consummate art lover and an Arizona native.

Wishing you a wonderful time on this web page,
